The First Opium War – Lesson 01
Handout 01-B | Printer-friendly PDF file
1. Take turns reading the adjective/adverb list that you generated in Handout 01-A to your new partners. Are they more similar or more different? Take notes on your new partners’ findings about their set of images.
2a. Take turns reading the four statements about opium production that you generated in Handout 01-A to your new partners. Take notes on your new partners’ findings about their set of images.
2b. On what information do you agree and on what information do you differ?
3. What aspects of the two visual accounts of opium production are the same?
4. How do the two collections differ in their depiction of the process of opium production?
5. How do the two series compare in their depictions of the people involved in opium production? For example, look at the work being done by different nationalities. Consider the roles and status of different workers and different nationalities.
6. Do the artists have a similar point of view about British and Indian workers? If so, what is it? What do you see in the images that supports your answer?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2011 Visualizing Cultures