Black Ships & Samurai, Lesson 01
Introduction to Reading the
Visual Images in Black Ships & Samurai
Handout 01-B | Printer-friendly PDF file
Comparing and Contrasting Visual Records of the Same Event
These are paired images from the Black Ships & Samurai unit. Your teacher will assign you a specific pair of images to work on.
1. For your assigned pair, find 5-10 parallels in the two images. Identify ways in which the two images present the scene or event similarly below.
2. Find 5-10 contrasts—aspects of the event or scene that are represented differently—and identify these contrasts below.
3. With your partner, identify a theme for the paired images. Explain your theme below.
4. Write 10 analysis questions that you will give to other students to answer about your paired images. Your questions should help other students see the similarities and differences across these two images, and should also help them understand the theme within your images.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2008 Visualizing Cultures