Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2009 Visualizing Cultures
11 Steel & Stone
Eitai Bridge and Kiyosu Bridge (#1), September 1928
Broadcasting Station at Atagoyama (#31), August 1932
The Central Meteorological Observatory (#41), September 1933
View of Sunamachi [Joøtoø Ward] (#54), July 1934 [June 1934]
Komagata Bridge and Steamer Terminal (#48), March 1934
Mitsui Bank and Mitsukoshi Department Store (#3), April 1930 [May 1929]
Edo Bridge and Its Neighborhood (#22), February 1932
Municipal Hall and Kangyoø Bank (#35), October 1932
Waseda University Street Scene (#56), October 1934
Riverside at Sukiya Bridge (#60), February 1935
Street at Shinjuku (#61), April 1935
Remaining Snow at Tokyo City Hall (#76), March 1936
Tokyo Station and the Central Post Office (#84), November 1936
Cherry Blossoms at Tsukiji Honganji Temple (#89), April 1937
Stock Exchange at Kabuto-choø (#100), December 1937