Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2009 Visualizing Cultures
10 Water & Waterways
Drawbridge at Shibaura (#6), September 1930
Hama Imperial Gift Park at Shiba (#7), September 1930 [October 1930]
Benkei Bridge in May (#13), June 1931 [May 1931]
Waterfall at Sekiguchi (#15), August 1931 [July 1931]
Taki River and Otonashi River at Koøngoji Temple (#37), December 1932
Anamori Inari Shrine at Haneda (#30), September 1932
By the Pond of Sanpoøji Temple at Shakuji (#40), July 1933
The New Diet Building (#45), February 1934
Komagata Bridge and Steamer Terminal (#48), March 1934
View of the Botanical Garden (#51r), October 1940
Lumberyards at Kiba in the Snow (#65r), February 1940
Lock Gate of a Drainage Canal [Oøji Ward] (#68), August 1935
Hirakawa Gate in the Spring Rain (#77a), April 1936
Pond at Zenpukuji Temple in Suginami (#79), June 1936
Drying Seaweed at Omori (#86), February 1937
Kiyosumi Garden in Fukagawa (#91), May 1937
Rainy View of Senzoku Pond (Rainy Season) (#94), July 1937
Horie-Machi in Kasai (#97), September 1937