The Allies face considerable resistance in Canton and its suburbs for the length of the occupation. In reports from The Illustrated London News, Europeans in Canton keep a stiff upper lip as they go about the daily task of political and military control.
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of the occupation of Canton.

Left: “Foot-race at Canton by Coolies of the Military Train — Sketched by our Special Correspondent.”
In honor of Queen Victoria's birthday, British occupiers held a military review and sporting events.
THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY KEPT IN CANTON. On the Queen's birthday the English at Canton had a review in the morning, and wrestling matches, footraces, &c. Among others, the coolies of the Bamboo Regiment (Military Train) had a run. (Illustrated London News, August 14 1858, p. 143)
Illustrated London News Group
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Left: “The ‘Sanspareil’ Naval Brigade Landing at Canton”
The Allies faced frequent attacks by “braves” in the suburbs of Canton.
LANDING BY THE NAVAL BRIGADE. Writing in reference to this subject, our Correspondent says – Yesterday (July 3) above a hundred men of the Naval Brigade landed, and marched up to strengthen the position of the besieged head-quarters, which is becoming more unpleasant every day. Sharp work this! We pitched shell and rockets the other day from headquarters into the midst of an army of Braves who were advancing with lanterns. What a rich notion to fight with lanterns!(Illustrated London News, September 18 1858, p. 267)
Illustrated London News Group
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Left: “The Burning of Telesio's Store”
In the following account, Telesio's store, where Europeans in Canton bought familiar food and sundries, has burnt down in the night. Arriving at the scene in small boats, the French swiftly retaliate:
BURNING OF TELESIO'S STORE Last week his old store was set fire to, and it burned quite splendidly … [Telesio] arrived at the scene of destruction in time to witness the lively Frenchmen with drawn swords, running about in the red glare, making havoc of all Celestial tails that came in their way, and firing every house near the store, which operation haring been performed they returned, leaving the fire to go out when it liked. (Illustrated London News, September 18 1858, p. 267)
Illustrated London News Group
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Left: “Demolishing Houses in Canton”
“Bamboo Rifles” push down the remains of burnt houses in Canton.
DEMOLISHING HOUSES An orderly is saying “Figtee, figtee” (make haste!), and and they are singing out “Ly, ly, ly: ly, ly, ly!” by way of keeping time. The dust of the falling wall, the smoke of the yet smoldering rafters, the glare of the white-hot sun, and the unpleasant footing of loose brick render this task rather an unpleasant one.(Illustrated London News, September 18 1858, p. 354)
Illustrated London News Group
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